Mr. Robot E-Coin Launch
Last week was the season premier party for season 3 of Mr. Robot, billed as an E-Coin launch through E Corporation, coinciding during Comic Con. While visitors waited in line outside of Terminal 5, E Corp representatives gave out swag, while others in black hoodies roamed behind them, giving a select few stickers with information on the back, like once inside to "Find Alex with the white rose on the 1st floor, password: 'Are you seeing this, too?'" or to find Jamie behind the bar. Once we found Alex we were given a bag with the F Society anonymous mask and told to hold on to it until the time was right. There were also instructions to meet Frankie by the third floor bathroom and say "Hello, friend." Once allowed in, one could take a selfie as the F-Society anonymous character along with hat, jacket and cane. At the same time people were searching for these mysterious contacts, one could imbibe with some very fancy food offerings, such as pulled pork on a glazed donut and kimchi tacos, along with an open bar, and listen to the tunes of The Keystrokes, a fancy cover band.
The band was introduced by a woman from E Corp who showed a quick intro for E-coin and introduced E Corp CEO Phillip Price (Michael Cristofer) from the show, who gave a short speech about the future of E-Coin, when it was hijacked by F Society.
Banners were unfurled along the sides of the balconies, and the large illuminated hanging E was lowered down into the crowd, now as a big red F. The band came back onstage as members of F Society and showed their message: the full first episode of season 3, which airs tonight. As the screening was over and attendees left the venue, protesters of E Corp were outside further spreading their message and making the immersive evening seem that much more intense.
See more images from the evening below: